Free Ultimate Preparedness Manual


Prepper Manual

Welcome to The primary purpose for the website is to motivate you to create and implement an Emergency Preparedness Plan. The Coronavirus is a huge wake up call that demonstrates how important it is for you and your family to be prepared.

Circumstances can change materially from day to day. New information is continually being made available from a host of governmental agencies and dedicated NGO's (non-governmental organizations) around the world. The inescapable reality is that you are only as prepared for a disaster or emergency situation, as you were three seconds before it happened. Once you are engulfed in the rapid and generally unpredictable business of surviving you can no longer reach back in time and learn the emergency preparations skills or materials you now urgently need. That is our goal to provide you the best possible information so you can be prepared and have the skills necessary to survive the next emergency. Thank you for visiting our website. Please feel free to send us a message with your questions or comments.
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